Examples of media, exhibition, and digital art research-creation

Sean Holman
Our foundational Climate Disaster Project, established by director Holman, has co-created 320 climate disaster survivor testimonies. Surviving In Their Own Words is a collection of eleven of these testimonies published by The Tyee as part of the Lieutenant Governor’s BC Journalism Fellow Francesca Fionda’s report on gaps in support for climate disaster evacuees in the province.
Viviane Gosselin
Co-director Gosselin is the director of collections and exhibitions and curator of contemporary culture at the Museum of Vancouver. A Seat At The Table: Chinese Immigration and British Columbia is a multi-sited, travelling exhibit co-created by Gosselin, Denise Fong, and Henry Yu. It explores stories of Chinese Canadians in British Columbia and their struggles for belonging.

Kelly Richardson
Co-applicant Richardson is a digital print and video installation artist whose work has been widely acclaimed in North America, Asia, and Europe and was recently featured in the music video for Metallica’s 72 Seasons. Orion Tide is a dual/single channel HD video installation that draws from the aesthetics of cinema and dystopian stories, questioning the fine line between truth and fiction.
Patsy Gessey and Owen Collins look out towards Lytton where they lost their home during the 2021 Lytton Creek Fire. The next year, they faced fires again. (CDP/Jen Osborne)