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Explore the Climate Disaster Project stories that have been shared by our news media partners


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2009 Tropical Storm Ondoy

“They shouted ‘rescue’ just to escape and get food.’”

Jenifer Fabre, Malabon, Philippines

Profile of racine jeff in front of trees.
2017 British Columbia Wildfires

“We know that no matter what we have each other.”

Racine Jeff, Williams Lake, Canada

Dian Brooks Princeton BC farm
2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“It’s like you could feel moss growing on your teeth.”

Dian Brooks, Princeton, Canada

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2023 Hay River/ K’átł’odeeche/Kakisa fire

“I heard a voice saying, ‘Remember Job.'”

Genevieve Clarke, Enterprise, Canada

2009 Tropical Storm Ondoy

“When the flood subsided, blessings began coming in.”

Medina Librando Sta. Ana, Marikina , Philippines

A portrait of Jordi Williams wearing glasses, a black jacket and grey hat.
2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“We almost rescued a crocodile.”

Jordi Williams, Chilliwack, Canada

Michele Feist stnads in front of her new yellow house in Williams Lake
2021 Lytton Creek Fire

“I knew in the back of my head somewhere that Lytton was gone.”

Michele Feist, Lytton, Canada

Micha Kingston
2021 Lytton Creek Fire

“It looked like this animal, a fire beast, just arms of fire going forward.”

Micha Kingston, Lytton, Canada

Portrait of Ken Pite in Lytton
2021 Lytton Creek Fire

“We looked into the eyes of the beast.”

Ken Pite, Lytton, Canada

2013 Super Typhoon Yolanda

“I saw bloated bodies of people on the sidewalk.”

Vicente Mate, Tacloban, Philippines

2020 Typhoon Ulysses

“Sometimes there were snakes in the water.”

John Gabriel Georlin, Bacolod, Philippines

2009 Tropical Storm Ondoy

“They shouted ‘rescue’ just to escape and get food.’”

Jenifer Fabre, Malabon, Philippines

Profile of racine jeff in front of trees.
2017 British Columbia Wildfires

“We know that no matter what we have each other.”

Racine Jeff, Williams Lake, Canada

Dian Brooks Princeton BC farm
2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“It’s like you could feel moss growing on your teeth.”

Dian Brooks, Princeton, Canada

Williams Lake Wildfire survivor, Billie Sheridan.
2017 British Columbia Wildfires

“You’re leaving your life behind.”

Billie Sheridan, Williams Lake, Canada

Maggie Lord Lytton fire survivor.
2021 Lytton Creek Fire

“It’s like somebody took a chalkboard eraser and erased my life.”

Maggie Lord, Lytton, Canada

Rochelle Rupert stands outside in the snow.
2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“It sounded like driving through the deepest puddle you’ve ever driven through.”

Rochelle Rupert, Merritt, Canada

Patsy Geesey sits on a stump that resulted from a tree burning in 2022.
2021 Lytton Creek Fire

“I’m not afraid of the fire.”

Patsy Gessey, Lytton, Canada

Tricia Thorpe standing on her property with three of her white dogs. Mountains in the background.
2021 Lytton Creek Fire

“There’s no looking back. Your past is wiped out.”

Tricia Thorpe, Lytton, Canada

2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“I’m still going through it”

Donna Rae, Merritt, Canada

Portrait of wanda turner in church
2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“Thirty seconds of this violence.”

Wanda Turner, Chilliwack, Canada

Portrait of Cory Spitters with his chickens
2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“You can’t stop because of a setback like that.”

Corry Spitters, Sumas Prairie, Canada

2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“There was nothing we could do.”

Jeff and Cheryl Morrow, Langford, Canada

2021 Western North American Heat Wave

“The heat wave validated a lot of my fears about climate change”

Jasna Rowse, Langley, Canada

2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“It’s like cutting off a lifeline.”

Cyndie Anderson, Mission, Canada

Extreme Windstorms

“Home doesn’t feel safe right now.”

Hannah Seaton, North Vancouver, Canada

Portrait of Kristen De Jager
2021 Western North American Heat Wave

“I felt weak and I wanted to go home.”

Kristen De Jager, Langley, Canada

2010 Hurricane Igor

“It was apocalyptic.”

Leslie Amminson, St. John's, Canada

2021 British Columbia Wildfires

“There wasn’t really any escape from it.”

Seth Forward

Portrait of Sophie Thomas
2021 Western North American Heat Wave

“The heat was just so dense and thick.”

Sophie Thomas, Nanaimo, Canada

Portrait of Kaitlyn Nightingale
2017 British Columbia Wildfires

“I don’t know how many fires we can avoid.”

Kaitlyn Nightingale, Summerland, Canada

Portrait of Sarah Suleman
2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“It just had shown up overnight.”

Sarah Suleman, Victoria, Canada

Portrait of Ashlee Levy
2013 Southern Alberta Floods

“I couldn’t imagine it going back to normal.”

Ashlee Levy, Okotoks, Canada

2021 Western North American Heat Wave

“I can’t just press pause… I have to go through this.”

Claudia Culley, Clearwater, Canada

2021 Western North American Heat Wave

“Oh my God this isn’t normal.”

Abby Luciano, Vancouver, Canada

Portrait of Jordan Kovacs
2015 Coastal Erosion

“It feels like you’re being eaten, slowly eaten away at the edges.”

Jordan Kovacs, Otres, Cambodia

2021 Western North American Heat Wave

“You can’t ignore it, because you’re in it.”

Julie Chapman, East Vancouver, Canada

2021 British Columbia Wildfires

“In order to survive, you have to be a dreamer.”

Suzanne Kilroy/Huculak, East Vancouver, Canada

2021 Western North American Heat Wave

“It was hard for anybody to take care of themselves”

DJ O’Brien, East Vancouver, Canada

2021 Western North American Heat Wave

“I was losing it just because of the heat.”

Mike McNeely, East Vancouver, Canada

2021 British Columbia Wildfires

“I pray for them that they all get their lives back.”

Peter Thompson, East Vancouver, Canada

2021 Western North American Heat Wave

“When you’re so used to disaster in your life, you learn to go with the flow”

Yvonne Mark, East Vancouver, Canada

2009 Tropical Storm Ondoy

“This isn’t just an issue of climate change but of climate justice.”

James Ortega, Marikina, Philippines

A photo of Shoshauna Routley standing in a grassy field wearing a beige baseball cap and quilted jacket.
2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“Where is the water coming from?”

Shoshauna Routley, Abbotsford, Canada

A photo of Alison Arends wearing a plaid coat and glasses in front of a barn of cows and looking off into the distance.
2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“It was the most important thing I’ve ever done in my lifetime.”

Alison Arends, Sumas Prairie, Canada

A photo of Brian Mirea wearing a black coat in a very dark room, his face half in shadow.
2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“It was just water everywhere for miles and miles.”

Brian Mirea, Abbotsford, Canada

A photo of Ryan Kehler in a plaid shirt and green knit hat.
2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“We were locked in there for four days.”

Ryan Kehler, Harrison Hot Springs, Canada

A photo of Mikaela Robinson wearing a black puffer jacket.
2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“Twenty-four hours without any food or water.”

Mikaela Robinson, Hope, Canada

Portrait of Sandy Ibrahim
2021 Western North American Heat Wave

“My generation could have stopped this.”

Sandy Ibrahim, Victoria, Canada

A photo of Tosh Sherkat in front of a large rock wearing glasses and a bright plaid shirt.
2021 Southern British Columbia Floods

“We’re just throwing bolts into the rock and crushing plants.”

Tosh Sherkat, Victoria, Canada

Portrait of Gage Smith
2017 British Columbia Wildfires

“That was when climate change started to really kind of feel a little bit more real.”

Gage Smith, Chilliwack, Canada

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